About Us


Andrew founded Mr. Cat Dad after never finding the right design after visits to several clothing stores in search of something he could proudly wear to show off his love for cats. While there was plenty for his partner to choose from (Ms. Cat Mom), there was no great Cat Dad merchandise.

No more he shouted and thus set out to design the comfiest and fit ready apparel with Cat Dat's at its core.

Fun Fact: Andrew grew up allergic to cats but was able to overcome his allergy through his relationship with his first cat, Winnie.


Winnie was fostered by Mr. and Ms. Cat Mom in the Fall of 2020 after PAWS Chicago shared her availability.

Given Andrew's historical allergies he wanted to introduce a cat in his life through fostering rather than adoption at first. Winnie quickly adapted to her foster life and won over the hearts of her proud parents. Andrew's sniffles became a thing of the past and Winnie was adopted just 4 short months later just in time for the holidays.

Winnie enjoys soaking up the sun on her window perch and snuggling up with her parents. Sometimes they can get on her nerves, but she puts up with it.

Check Out Winnie on TikTok